This Isn’t Working! What’s Next?
February 19, 2024
What do you do when you get to the point where you realize your advertising dollars are not paying off? Obviously, you stop spending money on that advertising! That seems straight forward, but for some, that is a hard point to reach. Most of today’s advertising is done on the Internet. That type of advertising is the easiest to measure if you know where to look.
When you consider other forms of advertising and how they work, you understand how difficult it is to measure Return On Investment, or ROI. Take a radio or TV ad. When you advertise in one of those media you only know part of the story. You know how long your advertisement is in duration, you know how many days or weeks or months you will run that ad, and you may even know the number of times that ad runs during that time. But what you don’t know is whether or not anyone ever saw or heard that ad. Furthermore, unless they tell you they saw or heard that ad, you don’t know how many sales you can attribute to that advertisement. There is no real method for the radio or television industry to be able to accurately provide you with the number of eyeballs and/or ears that encountered your ad. There is no way to identify the people seeing or hearing that ad. Those are sort of like Spaghetti String approaches to advertising. Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks!
The same is not true for Internet advertising! Your web provider can tell you all kinds of data related to the traffic making it to your website. Not just how many visitors, but also all the W’s. When did they visit, What pages did they visit, Where did they come from, and Why are they there are all questions you can get answered. If your web provider cannot get you those details, then you should either find a provider that can or employ other third-party tools that will get you those answers. The most common source for this data comes from Google and its Google Analytics (GA) toolbox. Not knowing these things is not acceptable! Furthermore, if your advertising Calls To Action (CTA) are well defined, you will be able to identify the advertising source of most of your car buying clients. Today’s advertising is the most measurable type of advertising, by far.
Why do you need to know these things? So, you can determine what is working and what is not. For the first time, you can calculate the cost per shopper and the cost per paying customer unlike any other advertising out there. If you see that you are spending only a few bucks with one advertiser, but they are getting you multiple sales every month, you might want to see if it is possible to spend a few more bucks with them in hopes you get even more sales. Likewise, if you see you are spending a lot of money with another advertiser but only getting a few (if any) sales as a result, you may want to cut back or cut out that advertising.
So, you reach that point where you realize a particular advertiser is not working for you. What should you do? Obviously, you might kick them to the curb, but don’t stop there. Work on ways to replace that advertiser. Find the next source of sales, now! If you had something working for a while in the past but watched its ROI dwindle and subsequently cut them off, you might re-visit that advertiser and see if they got the wheels put back on their cart! Often, they are happy to see you return and may work out a special trial plan for you to earn your business again. Then, look for the newest success story. Talk to your dealer friends and see what is working for them. This is where it is good to have dealer friends near and far. You know your market. But sometimes the next success story may come from an advertiser not yet in your market. Check out social media. Dealers are now getting together and trading secrets on Facebook and other social media outlets. And finally, don’t be afraid to ask your employees. You are not as young as you were last year and they may have exposure to other advertising you do not. Don’t be afraid to try something new.
Advertising is no longer a Set It and Forget It approach. We all know you have to spend money to make it, but with today’s advertising, if you are paying attention to the ROI, you will intuitively know how to best spend your advertising dollars.
Push Vs. Pull Notification
September 20, 2023
When I think of “Push Notification” as it relates to Internet Advertising, I always remember the scene from the 1980 movie, “Used Cars”, starring Kurt Russel. I remember the scene where the big dude is trying to get the pencil necked shopper to sit in the car. He wanted the shopper to see how roomy and comfortable the car was inside but the shopper refuses saying he doesn’t want to get inside, he was just looking. After a few failed attempts the man grabs the shopper up by his lapel and literally shoves him in the driver’s seat saying, “oh just get in the M… F…ing car!” Fast forward 40 years and today’s car dealer is asking, “What is Push Notification? How is it different from Pull Notification? Can it work for me?” Let’s compare Push and Pull Notification approaches.
Most marketing is considered Pull Notification. Think of it as the carrot on the stick. Your advertising is normally trying to entice the buyer to take action. For instance, your website probably has several Call To Action pages where you are enticing the shopper to provide you with their contact information in exchange for something they want. A link for “Apply for Credit” leads them to your Credit Application page where they can fill in the form in hopes of getting in return a Credit acceptance offer. Or maybe it is an SMS Call To Action that encourages them to enter a vehicle code and in return get a specific vehicle listing sent to their phone. It requires the shopper to act for it to work. If they ignore your links and other Calls To Action, the marketing efforts fall short.
Push Notification on the other hand allows you to reach out to the customer without them even having to visit your website. For instance, let’s say your website allows for the consumer to sign up for Price Change Alerts on a vehicle you have in stock that interests them. Once they opt in for that notification you have the ability to reach out to that client any time they are online. In this example, let’s assume you lower (or just change) the price of that listing. With Push Notification enabled on your website, you could have an alert sent to that shopper the next time they log on to the Internet with the same computer and browser they were using when they were perusing your website, last. This notice would get to that shopper even if they did not return to your website. They could be shopping for cars on another dealership website and get notice that the vehicle they were interested in the other day just had a Price Update! That notice would include a link back to your vehicle’s Window Sticker Page or Vehicle Details Page (VDP). This alert got triggered the moment you updated the price of that listing and happened without the shopper having to do anything!
For the first time, you can stay in contact with your consumers while they are still in the buying process. Now, this type of communication does require the consumer to opt in for these notices and it comes with the ability for them to opt out at any time. Their personal, private information is protected and they are able to remain anonymous, but if they are interested in the vehicle and enticed enough to take further action, they will cough up their contact information and go from being an anonymous car shopper to a known, verifiable prospect.
Having Push Notification enabled on your website is not only easy, it is also a no-brainer! Today’s car shoppers are being bombarded with offers and solicitations and it may take several attempts on your part to get them to turn that computer off and go visit your dealership. If you talk to your web provider and they either don’t know what you are talking about or cannot provide this service, we hope you contact us today at! Meanwhile, consider showing your sales team the classic film, “Used Cars”. It continues to be one of the best sources for sales training. Think of it as a how (not) to sell cars education!
What Will OpenAI And Chat GPT Do For Our Industry?
April 13, 2023
We have all heard the buzz about OpenAI and ChatGPT. For those who have not grasped what these things are, let me define them. OpenAI is just the name of the company that has developed an Artificial Intelligence API that goes by the same name. This API utilizes Chat GPT, specifically GPT-4 (version 4). This is a natural language processor that allows for human-like conversations that are more realistic than any chat bot experience you may have had.
Compare it to what it will do to telephone answering. Now you get a pre-recorded message containing instructions. Imagine if you heard a voice that sounded so real it made you think you were talking to a human. When you ask a question, the voice responds in a natural way.
Right away, the team at JTZ Enterprise began exploring ways to put this new technology to use. The first application we found for it will revolutionize how vehicles are advertised! Let’s start with the Personal Description of a listing. When adding a vehicle to any dealer portal there is a field where you can put the “little old lady drove it to church” kind of story. That field is there to allow for some personalization about each vehicle. Too often, though, a dealer may get into a rut with their descriptions, and they all start to sound the same. We have a dealer who was saying, “This Nissan looks great and runs even better” then on another listing you would see, “This Ford runs great and looks even better!” Their comments did not add anything to the description and in some ways may have distracted the consumer.
When entering a comment at our portal, you could have a button that reads, “Fetch ChatGPT”. When you click on it you get back a description that sounds like the manufacturer wrote it the year that automobile came out! There appears to be no limit on model years! Recently, I purchased a unique Square Body. It is a 1978 Chevrolet K20 full-time four-wheel drive. When we asked ChatGPT to describe this vehicle it knew this was something Chevrolet produced only one year, and that was 45 years ago!
It does not stop there. If you want to be transparent about your advertising, we can get this feature to return a Positive, Neutral, and Negative response about each vehicle.
Next, JTZ Enterprise has begun implementing this Chat GPT feature into our Auto responses to email leads, SMS conversations, and Messenger messages. We will have the ability to program these auto responses to know and communicate all the most popular questions you field every day, such as:
Do you finance?
What are your hours?
What kind of cars do you sell?
And all the while your consumer will think they are talking to a human!
Elon Musk and others have brought up some legitimate concerns. All I can add is that similar concerns came up when we started stretching electric wires all over big urban areas. There was a concern that phones would ruin society. The fear of the unknown is understandable. At JTZ Enterprise, we turn that fear into opportunity! Let us get your Internet advertising on track, today!
Move Over Craigslist And Facebook, Google Is The New Elephant In The Room!
January 10, 2023
Several years ago Craigslist made a bold move to go from free listings for all to charging only car dealers $5 per post. While it was determined this move actually made the entire advertising media better, it was not well received in the dealer community.
Then, just a couple of years ago Facebook began providing several ways for car dealers to advertise on their platform. Frankly, the shoppers’ experience at Facebook has always left a lot to be desired. It is clunky, inconsistent with search results, and full of bogus ads. Beginning late in 2022, Facebook began taking a much more aggressive approach with car dealers. Basically, if you want to advertise on Facebook, you need to pay for it. Worse, you either must work with a limited number of advertisers or invest a fair amount of time into learning their Marketplace system. Still, dealers paying for this advertising say it is more than worth it. It may cost more but for that reason, less dealers are taking advantage of it.
Then came Google. This could be a Game Changer! Midway though 2022, JTZ Enterprise became an authorized Google Vehicle Listings Partner. This distinction allows us to send all our Dealerships’ inventory listings to Google in a feed, just like we do hundreds of other Online Advertising Partners every day. Four times a day we send Google all vehicle data and images for the purpose of displaying those listings on Google’s website!
To see this, google, “Allens Auto Sales Virginia”. This is my family’s car dealership; we have sold cars for over 50 years and are located in Fredericksburg. You should get the regular search results along with what is called a Business Pin Placement area to the right of the search results. You will see our blue logo along with a picture or two of the dealership. Below that area you will see links for visiting our website, getting directions, saving our website, or calling our dealership. Below that is more information about our dealership such as hours and address. At the bottom of the Pin Placement area and just above the reviews you will see three of our listings for sale with images and a title. Just above the pics of the listings for sale you are able to search our inventory and even filter our listings by Make. Click on one of those listings and you will get the rest of the available information about each listing. You will find a “Dealer Listing” link that will lead you directly to the Vehicle Details Page (VDP) or window sticker for that listing at our website.
What does this mean? Well, before most Google traffic started at your website’s home page, even when the search was for a specific Year, Make and Model. From the home page, the user must be savvy enough to know they have to go to the inventory page, search for and locate the vehicle for which they searched. This adds several more clicks to the visit and we all know more clicks do not always lead to more conversions or sales. It is a more efficient path for the buyer to take because it gets them to what they wanted, the vehicle information, faster. If they are interested in the vehicle, they will then visit the rest of the site to learn more about your business, apply for credit, or schedule a test drive.
What does it mean for car dealers? More traffic from Google that is more relevant! This gets your vehicles seen dozens more times and all on the most successful search engine, ever! Those vehicle displays create hundreds of VDP Impressions (views), VDP Clicks (visits), and dozens of phone calls and messages that generate straight from the Google website, before they ever reach your site!
What does this cost? Outside of finding a company like JTZ Enterprise/Higher Turnover Websites to feed our listings and images to Google, there is no cost. Yet! If Craigslist and Facebook are any indicator, this may not stay free for long. Still, that is no reason for you to not get in on this while you can. It requires you have your Google Business Page in place and that it identifies you as a car dealership.
Not sure how to get your business and your vehicles on Google? Call JTZ Enterprise today at (540)286-0801 and let us get you on the fast track to more sales!
Is There A Short Cut To This?
February 2, 2022
For almost 25 years I have traveled the East Coast visiting clients and I have found we all have varying degrees of computer and Internet experience and knowledge. From time to time I get asked, “How did you do that?” when a client witnesses me perform a shortcut while working in their computer. I dedicate this article to sharing with all of you some of those shortcuts I find myself explaining from time to time.
It is important to remember that if you graduated from high school before the mid-eighties, then chances are you never had any formal computer education, much less any typing classes. Even today’s high school graduates are not guaranteed to have adequate computer skills. The only way to learn this kind of stuff is through hands on experience. So, sit in front of your computer and try some of these short cuts.
The one thing I did not realize is that many do not know what the deal is with the Shift and Caps Lock buttons. I have seen some people type things in all caps because they think to have one capital letter they need to hit the Caps Lock, then the letter, then the Caps Lock button again to turn off caps and that is understandably too much work. If, you want to capitalize the letter a in Apple, just hold down the shift button (there is one on either side of the keyboard on the bottom row) while at the same time clicking the A. Then let go of the shift button and type the rest of the word and you have Apple.
Many times we find ourselves typing the same thing over and over. For instance, when you enter a car into your F&I software you might type the VIN number. Then later you are typing the same VIN into your website. Next time, after typing the VIN in the first spot, hi-light the entire VIN by either dragging your mouse over it or holding down the shift button and clicking the arrow button until the entire VIN is hi-lighted in blue. Then hold down the Ctrl button (usually in the bottom left corner of your keyboard) and click the C. This action is referred to as typing Ctrl+C and it copies all hi-lighted text to a clipboard. Open the program you need to re-enter the VIN into and place the cursor where the VIN would go. Now hold down the Ctrl button and type V (Ctrl+V). This pastes a copy of what you have on the clipboard to where the mouse is located.
A similar shortcut is Ctrl+X. This is Cut and works the same as Copy except that it deletes the original entry and moves it to the clipboard allowing you to paste it in another location. This is handy if you are typing a letter for instance and find that you want to move a paragraph to another part of the document.
This works in most programs and allows you to move text and images between programs.
Have you ever been in a web browser and wanted to open another window BUT keep the original window open so you can come back to it or compare the two? If so you can do this one of two ways. Ctrl+T will open a new tab in that same browser and Ctrl+N will open a new browser application, separate from the one you were in. In the latter instance you will see two icons for your browser in the system tray because you have two instances of that browser open at the same time.
We have all been in the computer working with several open programs at once. When you need to go from one program to the next, you might be using the mouse to click on the icon of the open program you want to switch to. Did you know you could rotate through all open programs by holding down the Alt key (usually to the left of the spacebar) and then tap the Tab key (usually above the Cap Lock key). The first time you tap the Tab key you will see tiles pop up, one for each open program. If you tap the Tab key again the focus will move from one tile image to the next. Once you have the focus on the program you want to switch to simply let go of the Alt key and voila! You are in another program without touching the mouse!
That is all the time I have for now, except to say the Ctrl key has different functions when used with all letters, A to Z. Familiarize yourself with them by googling, “Ctrl A to Z”. Once you get comfortable with the shortcuts, hopefully working in the computer will get a little easier and a lot faster!
We Are Resilient!
October 29, 2021
Re.sil.ient – adjective means: “(of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.”
You are resilient. If you are a car dealer selling cars through a pandemic of epic proportions, you are resilient! Yet, before you break your arm patting yourself on the back for making it through what would be considered some of the most trying financial challenges since the Great Depression, this is not the first time your industry has faced immediate, monumental shifts in market like we are witnessing today.
Car dealerships have always been the first industry to show the others how to weather the current storm. Some may stop and say “woe is me”, but those are the ones left behind. Running a car dealership is not easy. If it were, there would be no sales people. This industry has always known this. Go back just 15 years ago or so. The car business was steaming along and then the 2007 -2008 Financial Crisis hit. In that storm, credit was the issue. Dealers did not let a lack of credit back then keep them from selling cars.
Go back to 9/11. I was on my way to my family’s car dealership located in the suburbs of Washington DC when I heard a second plane hit the towers. I can still remember getting to work and seeing the customer I was helping the night before was there to pick up the car he agreed to buy. I told him with all that was going on I was impressed he fulfilled his commitment. He said to me, “I still have to get to work tomorrow.”
You help people every day. You are still helping them weeks, months, and even years after the sale. They may not ask you about the challenges you face, but that is because they have their own challenges. Just like you, they are resilient and they will not let challenges get in their way.
The challenge before that might be considered the Gas Embargo of 1979. Due to Middle East conflicts, oil production dropped and prices sky rocketed. U.S. Car dealerships were flooded with land yachts like the Town Car and the Fleetwood Brougham. Overnight, it cost a fortune to drive those cars across town and no one wanted them. What did dealerships do in the face of that storm? They got smaller. It wasn’t long before the Omni and the Escort replaced the Road Barges and again, because of the resilience of car dealers across the nation, America kept driving.
So, we are rolling out of Covid. Now is a good time to see where this storm is taking us. Well, the answer is, On Line. Your consumer has been looking for a more efficient way to buy everything from toilet paper to SUVs. This storm has driven Grandparents to Amazon when just a couple years ago they didn’t have a computer. The youngest generation of car buyers is wondering why they can’t buy their car on Amazon.
Even before the pandemic hit, JTZ Enterprise began finding ways of getting the consumer the shortest path between shopping for a car and actually buying it. Our competitors are chasing our technology because they know this is where the storm is taking us. The more parts of the Shopping process that can be done online means the more efficient path to the sale for the consumer. Do you have a complete Vehicle Condition Report integration on your website where your Carfax or AutoCheck (or other Condition Report) is available to your consumer? Do you have an integrated SMS Marketing Tool available for all your advertising to not only track phone calls but also allow for text messaging and SMS Marketing? Do you have a Buy It Now button on your website that will allow your buyer to select a car, work out all the DMV fees, arrange for new or transferred tags, and handle all the aftermarket Warranties and GAP options? If not, Why Not?
Today’s client is more likely than ever before to perform the entire purchase process online than ever before, thanks to Covid. If you want to learn the most from this most recent storm, you should look at how you can shorten the steps and the clicks it takes to get to a sale. We can help. We have the ability to send your next sale directly to your F&I or DMS provider so that all you have to do is the paperwork! In the face of today’s challenges it is wise to partner with great providers. If your current solution is not as resilient as you would like, give us a call!
John Summer
JTZ Enterprise, LLC
What did Covid do to the Car Business?
June 23, 2021
Do you remember the feeling you had as we entered the year of 2020? Early that year the economy was BOOMING! Inflation was non-existent, the stock market was roaring, jobs were plentiful and there were people willing to fill them. Cars were selling. Then, Covid hit.
The automotive industry fared better than most experts predicted. That in no way minimizes the death and destruction the virus caused. To date, there have been over 33 million recorded cases and more than 600,000 deaths nationwide. Covid was no joke. The shutdown forced everyone to stay home, take time off from work, find new ways to manage the kids, and cancel all travel plans for an undetermined amount of time. It is true the pandemic made selling cars more of a challenge than ever before. It forced car dealers all across the nation to do one of two things. Either they bunkered down, shuttered the doors, and waited for it to be over, OR they zigged when everyone else was zagging!
JTZ Enterprise has serviced Independent Dealers with their Internet Advertising needs for more than 26 years. We have hundreds of car dealers all across the nation for whom we host websites, manage their data feed needs, and so much more. By the middle of 2020, we could look at a client’s website statistics and determine whether they hunkered down or sprang into action.
All dealership Website Traffic reports show website visits drastically reduced in the month of February. It was then that Doctor Fauci came on to the scene, schools, airports, and businesses were shutting down, and it was becoming clear that the curve was not going to get flattened overnight. That is when the two dealer groups formed. Dealerships that saw this as a time to pull back liquidated what they had in stock, stopped buying vehicles, and may have even sent staff home. The other group of dealers saw vehicle costs dropping and said, “Heck, let’s buy more!” and they did. The cautious group of dealers saw further website traffic decreases in March and the declines did not truly level off until April or May. The Risk Takers saw their traffic losses level off in one month and many even saw a rebound back to pre-pandemic levels by June! The first group of dealers saw stagnant traffic throughout the rest of 2020 while the Risk Takers saw gains in traffic starting late in the third quarter.
Why did this difference in reaction affect web traffic? It boiled down to inventory! By mid-April, the Federal Government pumped out more than $2 trillion in stimulus money to people who still weren’t going to restaurants, movies, work or school. In short, they had nothing to spend their money on so car buying seemed logical. One thing Covid did to the auto buying process was accelerate the rate at which Americans purchased vehicles online. The dealerships that continued buying inventory and honed their online presence saw the greatest amount of sales, period. Online buying was already growing before the virus took hold, but when people were given extra spending money but still not allowed to get out of the house, they found other ways to shop for everything including new and used vehicles. Websites that had extra features such as Save/Compare, Buy Now, Loan and Fuel Calculators, and integrations with Facebook Messenger saw greater conversions because they allowed the consumer to perform more of the Buying Process from their living room getting them past the decision to buy before they ever made it to the dealership. Dealers that went the extra step by providing Home Delivery saw even more shoppers converted into buyers.
While this pandemic is winding down, none of us know what the future holds. The fact is in order to weather the next storm, we all should take the time to review our online presence, improve our online shopping experiences, and generally get ready for the New Generation of Car Buyers, the one willing to Click To Buy their next vehicle!
John Summer
JTZ Enterprise, LLC
ADA Compliance
December 9, 2019
Have you taken a phone call from someone saying your website is not ADA compliant? The fear of being found incompliant with Federally mandated regulations is a valid concern, but if you read no further just know this, YOUR SITE IS ALREADY ADA COMPLIANT!
What is ADA? The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 and it prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in public places. If you own a hotel with a pool, you have already installed a lift for those with mobility impairments so they can enjoy your pool like everyone else. The government says anything open to the General Public must be accessible to all. The government has identified websites as being "public places" and therefore must be ADA compliant. Now, the only type of disability that would prevent one from seeing your website is blindness. So, in order for your site to be compliant it must be "viewable" to the blind.
That fact is, though, if your website is designed properly and optimized for search engines, it is virtually a guarantee that your site is already ADA compliant! Those suffering from blindness already have browsers and plug ins that will read all the text on a webpage. If the design of your site includes META data and image ALT tags (basically, these are pieces of programming code that tell search engines and other plug ins what the page content contains as well as describes what each image on the page depicts) then the plug ins used by the blind website visitors are able to give a complete description of what is on the screen when they visit your website. META data and ALT tags have long been in place, not because of the ADA, but because these are the tools used to increase search engine traffic. You see, you could think of Google as being the most famous blind "person" and in order to get them to send as much traffic to your site, we have always been in the practice of helping Google "see" what you see when they visit your site. Since these same actions also help the blind understand and utilize your site, you have been ADA compliant all along!
Hype is hype. JTZ Enterprise does not charge extra to keep you compliant and we don't make it out to be something we just created. You do not have to take our word for it. If you want to see for yourself that your website is ADA compliant, visit this site and enter your website address and click the button labeled, "Check It". It will review your site according to WCAG (World Content Accessibility Guidelines). This is a free way to evaluate your site's accessibility to all people, including the blind. Once you do that, check the compliance rating of a few of your competitors. You may find that just because someone has an icon on their site claiming ADA compliancy doesn't always mean they are compliant.
For the truth about ADA compliance, I encourage you to visit this site:
This gives a full detail of how we got where we are now. Read it and you will find there are no set legal standards to follow for making a website compliant. Furthermore, in a statement from the Department of Justice on September 25, 2018 it was noted, "... noncompliance with voluntary technical standard for website accessibility does not necessarily indicate noncompliance with ADA."
No one wants to discriminate against anyone. I bet if you can get a person financed, insured and into a car, it doesn't matter whether they are blind, deaf, mobility impaired, right? Just because enforcement is murky does not mean you should thumb your nose at it. Things change about your site all the time so it is a good practice to check your site regularly. If you find your site is not compliant, share your findings with us and we will get on it ASAP. We do so because know that this work will not only make your site even more accessible to all, it will also help us drive more search engine traffic to your website and on to your dealership!
JTZ Enterprise, LLC Acquired Higher Turnover
July 30, 2019
JTZ Enterprise, LLC entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Higher Turnover, LLC
JTZ Enterprise, LLC, a leading Website and Internet Marketing Solutions Provider for businesses of all types and recognized expert in the automotive industry for its services to dealers, classified ad magazines and service contract providers acquired Higher Turnover, LLC July 29, 2019. Higher Turnover, LLC has a fifteen year track record of serving automotive car dealers and sales persons with affordable online advertising solutions.
"The combination of these two companies makes sense because they both serve the same market, and at the same time, both companies have built a solid reputation throughout the industry. Both companies hold a high standard on customer service and satisfaction and that will continue," says, JTZ Enterprise, LLC, owner, John Summer. "The combination of the two companies will allow us to offer Higher Turnover, LLC clients more services than previously available to them without any interruption or hassle while at the same time allow us to focus on providing the most innovative services and new features to all our clients."
JTZ Enterprise, LLC, was founded in May 1995 with a focus on the Automotive Industry, in general, while at the same time serving the needs of businesses of all types. From large non-profit organizations, to a conglomerate of Antique Dealers, from Agricultural dealers to coffee shops and restaurants, from professional corporations to small "mom and pop" stores, from Classified Magazines to Warranty Companies, JTZ Enterprise, LLC, serves all business' Website and Internet Marketing needs. JTZ Enterprise, LLC, is one of only three providers of Virginia's mandated Recertification Course for Independent Automobile Dealers at JTZ Enterprise, LLC, provides data services of all types including Lead and Inventory management, OFAC Checks and Automated Craigslist Postings as well as additional exposure to clients' inventory at
JTZ Enterprise, LLC, will fulfill the commitments made to all Higher Turnover clients while at the same time provide them access to many other new features and services such as SMS and Call Tracking, Automated Craigslist Postings, Buy Now Feature, and so much more. Likewise, existing JTZ Enterprise, LLC clients will continue to receive the high level of service they have come to expect and there will be new features available soon.
JTZ Enterprise, LLC, thanks all clients, new and old, for the dedication they have shown for almost 25 years! Without you, this tremendous opportunity would not be possible. We have always maintained a high standard in our dedication to customer satisfaction. We consistently strive for innovation and look forward to helping you and your business with your Website and Internet Marketing needs well into the future!
John Summer
JTZ Enterprise, LLC
Big news from Higher Turnover Websites!
July 29, 2019
It is with great excitement that I’m reaching out to you today with some big news. When I started Higher Turnover nearly 15 years ago I never expected it to grow into what it is today. As you’re aware, my philosophy has always been to do what’s best for the clients and the rest will fall into place. Hopefully I’ve exceeded your expectations during these past 15 years, however with the intentional downsizing of staff over the past couple of years the obligations of taking good care of clients has become a bit much for me to handle. Other companies in the past have made offers to acquire Higher Turnover which were turned down. Those offers weren’t turned down because of price; they were turned down because I knew it would not have been up to my standard of service, and you the client have always been my number one concern. I’m happy to report that Higher Turnover has recently found the provider that I’m 100% comfortable and confident can provide your website and marketing services above the standard I’ve always held myself to. We’ve spent considerable time (5 months) discussing this from every angle to make sure it’s a good fit and, it couldn’t be better.
In the near future you will be contacted by a member of that provider, JTZ Enterprise, to welcome you into their family. I’ve known JTZ and their ownership from day one of starting Higher Turnover, and they have one of the best reputations, if not the best, as providing high quality, low cost services to the industry. In short, you’re in great hands with JTZ. I want to reassure you that you shouldn’t have any service interruptions or other problems relating to this acquisition. More importantly, they’re able to offer you even more features than what Higher Turnover has been able to develop, and ultimately that will translate into more revenue for you.
It is bittersweet that I’m reaching out to you today but again, I want to do what’s in the best interest of you and your business. I can’t thank you enough for your business and loyalty over the years, and most of you feel more like family than clients. I sincerely wish you the best, and who knows, perhaps our paths will cross again in the future.